Tuesday, August 28, 2007

First working day

I have spent my first working day as "the jet lag individual" and I did everything not to lose the credit. Slow reactions, yawning all the time and one of the highest positions in the randomness ranking we decided to create. Everybody was so random we just had to give the individuals points for their contribution to activating and sustaining randomness in the room. I turned out to be a good representative of my country, ending up on the 4th place after Ukraine, Malaysia and Hong Kong :-). I tried to capture the loveliest moments by writing down the most memorable things my competitors said:

JSo: „Nadya, your eyes are so random!“

Nadya to Pui: „I have a feeling it´s gonna stay small.“(about some PPT stuff)
Pui (in reply): „Keep the feeling inside...“

Nadya: „I´m useful!“

1 comment:

Nadiyka said...

Hhahahhaha...just found your blog and you reminded me about one of the funniest moments of my HK MClife :))

Thank you :)) hehhe

Randomness (never gonna beat me and Pui haha, but since we're not there - b proud representative of the Random group!!)